Ella Spencer

Email: espencer(at)3ieimpact(dot)org

Managing Director, Research Commissioning Centre (RCC)

Ella Spencer

Ella is the Managing Director of the FCDO Research and Commissioning Centre (RCC), led by 3ie and the University of Birmingham. She is an experienced senior leader, specialising in impact strategy and measurement. She has established impact frameworks for large organisations in the non-profit sector including the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and the climate disclosure platform CDP. She was at the International Growth Centre at LSE for over 9 years as the Director for Impact and Programmes, overseeing country offices across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, setting up the IGC’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning systems and its programme management structures. While at the IGC, Ella published on labour markets and gender and led research programmes in India and Bangladesh. 

Prior to joining the IGC she worked as an independent development consultant, specialising in research on sustainable livelihoods in fragile states. She has conducted evaluations in South Sudan, including on behalf of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on their gender-based violence programming and for the World Bank looking at skills development and training opportunities. Ella has over four years of private sector experience, working as an actuary in the insurance sector for a number multinational companies. She holds an MPA in Public and Economic Policy from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and English Literature from the University of Manchester. Ella lives in South-East London with her partner and two young children.