The 2025 SEforALL Global Forum marks the sixth convening and the first to take place in Latin America and the Caribbean, co-hosted by the Government of Barbados. 

Under the theme of “Sustainable Energy for Equity, Security and Prosperity”, this year’s Forum will focus on catalyzing the actions and investment needed for countries to achieve their energy access, climate and development goals. The Forum will take stock of progress, showcase success, identify solutions, broker new partnerships and spur investment towards realizing Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) by 2030 and a global clean energy transition.

3ie Session | Leveraging evidence to inform Sustainable Energy Policy, Planning & Investments

This session launches the Evidence Gap Map on Sustainable Energy – which 3ie has developed in partnership with SEforALL. Built around the pillars of SDG7, the EGM on Sustainable Energy is a Global Public Good that houses rigorous, evaluative, research and impact assessment evidence from the Global South, and related learnings and recommendations.  The EGM is searchable via country, pillar of SDG7, technology and many other relevant factors related to energy access and the energy transition. 

  • Ms. Cassady Walters, Managing Director for Strategy and Results on the Power & Climate team, The Rockefeller Foundation (TBC) 
  • Ms. Constanza Gonzalez Parrao, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
  • Mr. Cem Yavuz, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
  • Quinn Reifmesser, Head, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, SEforALL (Moderator)

View the complete program

The EGM on Sustainable Energy will be launched at the SEforALL Forum, along with the findings from the 3ie-SEforALL Systematic Review on Sustainable Energy to investigate the effectiveness in off-grid electrification programmes in achieving climate, development and economic outcomes. 

Participants will learn more about how the sector can leverage insights for programme and policy design.