With the support of USAID, 3ie developed an innovative outcome-to-outcome WASH systematic map that seeks to go beyond the effects of WASH on health to understand the research base on the associations between achieving intermediate WASH outcomes and high-level development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. The map provides an overview of nearly 300 studies that examine the linkages between achievements in drinking water, sanitation provision, and hygiene behaviours and enhanced prosperity, stability, and resilience.
In this event, we will explore the extent and characteristics of the literature on the association between selected WASH intermediate outcomes and selected prosperity, stability, and resilience outcomes in L&MICs. The panelists will also discuss reflections on the map, where additional research should be prioritized, and implications for future WASH programming.
Carolyn Huang, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Nikki Behnke, Program Specialist, USAID
Sridevi Prasad, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
Heather van Buskirk, Research Associate, 3ie