Informing the global evidence base on food security and nutrition

In the last few years, significant efforts have been made to improve food systems for better food security and nutrition outcomes. As a result, there is a vast amount of evidence demonstrating what works; however, complications in navigating this research make it difficult for decision-makers to use.
3ie, with support from Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA), has been commissioned by BMZ through GIZ’s Knowledge for Nutrition program to continuously monitor the available evidence and regularly add studies to ensure that the E&GM remains a useful and current tool. 3ie's first living evidence and gap map (E&GM) includes the largest collection of high-quality research on food systems interventions in low- and middle-income countries.
3ie’s largest, living E&GM includes over 2,900 studies. It represents a rich body of evidence in an accessible format.
The EGM has found that several widely implemented interventions are not well-researched, allowing for potentially negative consequences and inefficient use of funds. Larger interventions, which impact more people, are also less frequently studied; most evaluations have taken place at local and subnational levels, with less evidence of national and transnational interventions. We also identified relatively few studies examining interventions that support women’s decision-making or measure the outcomes of women’s empowerment—despite the fact that women are traditionally major actors within food systems.
The literature additionally has a strong focus on randomized trials, with mixed-methods approaches, and those considering cost evidence, severely underrepresented.
Evidence impacts
Type of impact: Inform discussions of policies and programmes
When subsequent phases of the evaluated programme or policy draw from the findings of the evaluation or review, and/or the study team participates in informing the design of a subsequent phase.
This is one of 3ie’s seven types of evidence use. Impact types are based on what we find in the monitoring data for an evaluation or review. Due to the nature of evidence-informed decision-making and action, 3ie looks for verifiable contributions that our evidence makes, not attribution.
Read our complete evidence impact typology and verification approach here.
Close windowThe living E&GM is featured on the European Commission’s Knowledge4Policy (K4P) portal for evidence-based policymaking. The portal highlights two recommendations for policymakers, based on the results presented in the review: (1) Make use of high-quality systematic reviews when designing and developing new policies and programs (A total of 34 high-quality systematic reviews were identified); and (2) Consider investing in under-researched areas (The map identified several intervention-outcome combinations for which there is relatively little impact evaluation evidence). The K4P's goal is to bridge the science-policy gap by delivering policy evidence from scientists to policymakers across Europe. The portal contains "high quality, relevant and scientifically robust evidence'' curated by 19 teams of European Commission scientists.
Type of impact: Inform discussions of policies and programmes
When subsequent phases of the evaluated programme or policy draw from the findings of the evaluation or review, and/or the study team participates in informing the design of a subsequent phase.
This is one of 3ie’s seven types of evidence use. Impact types are based on what we find in the monitoring data for an evaluation or review. Due to the nature of evidence-informed decision-making and action, 3ie looks for verifiable contributions that our evidence makes, not attribution.
Read our complete evidence impact typology and verification approach here.
Close windowAhead of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, research partners in the summit’s scientific group (including leading IFPRI researchers) cited 3ie’s E&GM on Food Systems and Nutrition in their review of evidence on gender equality, women's empowerment, and food systems. The group prepared the review as a brief, whose work informed recommendations and commitments that emerged from the summit.
Type of impact: Inform the design of other programmes
Where findings from the evaluation or review inform the design of a programme(s) other than the one(s) evaluated.
This is one of 3ie’s seven types of evidence use. Impact types are based on what we find in the monitoring data for an evaluation or review. Due to the nature of evidence-informed decision-making and action, 3ie looks for verifiable contributions that our evidence makes, not attribution.
Read our complete evidence impact typology and verification approach here.
Close windowFollowing engagement on the process and findings of 3ie's living E&GM on food systems—and its associated rapid evidence assessments around women's empowerment and fiscal policies for healthy diets—Norad commissioned 3ie to produce a rapid evidence assessment on the long-term outcomes of food systems interventions.
Suggested citation
2024. Informing the global evidence base on food security and nutrition (online summary), Evidence Impact Summaries. New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).
Evidence impact summaries aim to demonstrate and encourage the use of evidence to inform programming and policymaking. These reflect the information available to 3ie at the time of posting. Since several factors influence policymaking, the summaries highlight contributions of evidence rather than endorsing a policy or decision or claiming that it can be attributed solely to evidence. If you have any suggestions or updates to improve this summary, please write to influence@3ieimpact.org