Development Priorities Evidence Program
Launched in 2015, this program focused on generating evidence in priority sectors closely aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. 3ie supported 14 rigorous, high-quality impact evaluations in four sectors: environment, governance, infrastructure and public finance. UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (formerly DFID) funded this work.

Evaluations under this sector focused on a range of environment interventions in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India. These evaluations focus on air pollution policies, payment for ecosystem services, agricultural practices to conserve water and access to safe drinking water source.
Under this sector, we supported evaluations in Bangladesh on the effectiveness of judicial reform, in Colombia on programs to reduce crime and violence, and in Pakistan to improve public service delivery.
To understand the effects of infrastructural development on poverty, irrigation schemes, willingness to pay for services, transit systems, railroads and labour markets, we supported studies in China, India, Pakistan, Rwanda and Tanzania.
Public Finance
We supported an impact evaluation of an unconditional cash transfer scheme in Zambia.