Integration of HIV Services Evidence Program
Much of the evidence surrounding the integration of HIV services with maternal, neonatal, and child health services, as well as with sexual and reproductive health and family planning services, does not come from rigorous studies. As a result, many practitioners and researchers would like more evidence about the effects of integrating HIV services into primary healthcare settings.

3ie produced a scoping report to determine the current evidence base and what evidence sources and evidence needs exist in the HIV and AIDS care community. The report looks at both types of HIV service integration and at what types of outcome indicators those studies measure and report. The scoping report indicated many unanswered questions regarding which services are most likely to benefit from integration with other services in order to achieve beneficial outcomes.
Based on this scoping information about existing evidence and HIV treatment priorities, 3ie awarded five grants to support the implementation and impact evaluation (IE) of pilot interventions integrating HIV services with other health services in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Funding for this grant program has been provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.