Philippines Evidence Program
3ie, in partnership with the Philippines National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, is implementing a multi-year Philippines Evidence Program (also known as Policy Window Philippines). The program seeks to strengthen the culture of evidence-informed decision-making in the country. In partnership with the government, we commission impact evaluation of major government reforms and service delivery interventions prioritized by select departments. The program is also strengthening capacity of government departments and agencies to institutionalize and implement evidence-based decision-making to support NEDA’s National Evaluation Policy Framework.

Since 2014, 3ie has supported five impact evaluations of programs/reforms implemented by the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment, the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the Supreme Court. Aside from organizing demand generation workshops and policy forums to build understanding and ownership of evaluations among Filipino policymakers, the program has also supported a ten-day CLEAR workshop to strengthen in-country evaluation capacities among evaluators, academics and local researchers.
Watch stakeholders talk about the unique contribution of the evidence program.
For a quick overview, read the program brief
Key activities and products
How the Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) is improving student outcomes: |
Role of judicial reforms in providing speedy justice: View Reports: |
Improving the delivery of the Sustainable Livelihoods Program (SLP): |
Rapid response briefs during COVID-19
In 2020, 3ie, NEDA and DFAT began work to identify new sectors and programs where more evidence is needed in line with the priorities set out in the Philippines Development Plan (2017-2022) and the recovery plan to address the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19.
To help facilitate evidence-informed decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic, 3ie responded by drafting rapid response briefs on critical questions facing policymakers in the Philippines. 3ie’s rapid response briefs succinctly synthesize existing evidence on the effectiveness of interventions across various contexts for a policymaker audience seeking to identify effective solutions to inform their development policies and programs. The briefs address questions relating to health, education, food security, social protection, employment and entrepreneurship. Click on the titles to view the briefs.
- Brief | What are the most effective programs to assist individuals in gaining employment?
- Brief | How do cash transfers, vouchers and food distribution affect household food security?
- Brief | What are the most effective programs to support micro, small and medium enterprises in creating employment?
- Brief | How does the use of technology in classrooms affect student learning?
- Brief | How effective is telemedicine in improving patient outcomes?
The Policy Window Philippines partnership between DFAT, 3ie and research experts puts evidence gathering, analysis and actionable policy recommendations front and centre. By increasing the demand for and uptake of evidence in policymaking, we are helping the Philippine Government to respond better to the needs of Filipinos, and achieve long term development objectives.
Sophie McPhate
Third Secretary, Economic
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade