3ie, in partnership with the Uganda Office of the Prime Minister (OPM Uganda), implemented a multi-year program to strengthen the production and use of evaluation evidence with selected ministries. The Ugandan government identified key development issues in which quality evidence about program effectiveness was lacking. 3ie supported a range of evaluations to help fill those evidence gaps. Moreover, 3ie worked with the ministries to strengthen evidence use in their work. OPM Uganda is a member of 3ie, and we have been working with them for many years to build a culture of evidence use and strengthen the national monitoring and evaluation system.

We funded five process evaluations and three impact evaluations of flagship government
Support for the Prime Minister’s Integrated Management Information System
3ie supported the rollout of the Prime Minister’s Integrated Management Information System (PIMIS) in the Ministry of Education and Sports. The project involved revamping the current
Capacity development
We supported the government’s capacity development in monitoring and evaluation in several ways. Apart from providing ongoing quality assurance advice for evaluations and other work funded under this
In early 2018, 3ie, in partnership with OPM Uganda, carried out an evaluation capacity assessment of selected ministries. We used the findings to inform the development of a targeted capacity strengthening plan that 3ie helped deliver.
Evidence impact
Rapid assessment of public sector organizations
3ie and OPM Uganda commissioned a rapid assessment of 13 public sector
The Uganda evidence
Over the years, 3ie has provided a lot of technical support and capacity development to officers in the monitoring and evaluation directorate and other ministries. The training has helped staff in developing theories of change for
programs and projects, and also helped them manage and quality assure different aspects of an evaluation. As a result, the directorate is now commissioning more evaluations annually – five evaluations a year, a jump from just one or two evaluations four years ago- Mary Karoro Okurut, Minister for General Duties, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda