Jane Hammaker

Jane Hammaker
Designation: Former Research Associate, 3ie
Jane provideded research and project management support for the CEDIL-funded Big Data in Impact Evaluation project, the Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Evidence Programme, and the USAID Evidence Gap Maps.

Blogs by author

New 3ie handbook for measuring cost-effectiveness in impact evaluation

Leaders and practitioners across the international development space have emphasized, re-emphasized, and re-re-emphasized the importance of integrating rigorous costing in

Launch of 3ie’s policy and institutional reform ‘Methods Menu’

In May 2021, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and 3ie began a partnership to advance the learning and knowledge base around the evaluation, design, and implementation of policy and institutional reform (PIR) interventions. We conducted a scoping review that identified gaps in the way PIR interventions are studied and evaluated, and we are now ready to launch an interactive ‘Methods Menu’ that aims to address many of those gaps. The menu aims to increase awareness and uptake of complexity-informed and mixed-methods approaches to strengthen the way PIR is evaluated and implemented.

Three ways you can start using remote sensing for measuring impact

Remote sensing has the power to transform and complement traditional approaches to impact evaluation. With the emergence of new technologies and the deployment of advanced sensors aboard satellites, there is an increase in the use of satellite imagery to measure impact in low- and middle-income countries across the world.