Impact evaluation

These briefs provide plain-language summaries of the intervention, impact evaluation, main findings and recommendations from 3ie-funded studies published in our report series.

Latest impact evaluation briefs

Impact evaluation

Picture-based crop insurance: Using smartphone camera data for claims verification in India

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2025  
This brief discusses the findings of an impact evaluation of a picture-based crop insurance scheme that uses smartphone camera data for claims verification in India.

Empirical assessment of EBRD’s COVID-19 response package bolstered recipient bank’s lending activities by providing essential liquidity support

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2024  
The authors of this brief examine the effectiveness of emergency liquidity support for improving lending and performance-related outcomes for banks under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Impacts of judicial reforms to address court congestion and delays in justice in the Philippines

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2021  
This brief summarizes findings from three impact evaluations that assess whether the Philippine Supreme Court-initiated reforms in technology and case management practices improve court efficiency and reduce congestion and delays.

Does microenterprise seed capital help the poor build sustainable livelihoods in the Philippines?

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief summarizes lessons from an impact evaluation that measures the effectiveness of the Philippine government’s Sustainable Livelihood Program’s Microenterprise Development assistance through the Seed Capital Fund modality on labor outcomes, income, expenditure, savings and capital investment.

Impacts of a work support programme for youth on academic outcomes and employability in the Philippines

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief summarises the findings of an evaluation that assessed the impact of the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment’s Special Program for Employment of Students targeting low-income youth.

Impact evaluation of the National Rural Livelihoods Project

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief is based on an evaluation report that measures the impacts of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Project on a range of household and individual level economic, social and empowerment outcomes.

Using technology and incentives to test innovative approaches to agricultural extension in Cambodia

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief presents findings of an evaluation that measures the impact of innovative models that use incentives, and information and communication technology to deliver extension services to farmers in Cambodia.

Strengthening soil management practices and access to markets among smallholder farmers in Malawi

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief is based on an impact evaluation of the Anchor Farm Model, a programme that promotes the use of demonstration plots, farmer-based organisations and farmer field days, to adopt integrated soil fertility and management practices and improve farmers' access to markets in Malawi.

Impacts of vouchers for households affected by displacement in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2020  
This brief is based on the findings of a 3ie-supported impact evaluation measuring the impacts of support to households for better adult mental health, child health, social cohesion and resilience.

Breaking the political resource curse in natural gas management in Mozambique

Impact evaluation Brief 3ie 2019  
This brief presents findings of an impact evaluation on providing information to local leaders and communities about the discovery of natural gas, and the implications for provincial government revenues and job creation.