Conditional cash transfers, exemption of school fees and school feeding programmes have generally been found to have a positive impact on primary school enrolment rates. But these programmes have had a limited and a varied effect in different contexts on keeping children in education. Getting more children into schools is not very helpful if the quality of education is poor, children do not attend school regularly and drop out eventually. And we need more clarity on what works and in which context, to ensure ‘Education for All’.
This brief discusses the findings of an impact evaluation of a picture-based crop insurance scheme that uses smartphone camera data for claims verification in India.
The authors of this brief examine the effectiveness of emergency liquidity support for improving lending and performance-related outcomes for banks under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
This brief summarizes findings from three impact evaluations that assess whether the Philippine Supreme Court-initiated reforms in technology and case management practices improve court efficiency and reduce congestion and delays.
This brief summarizes lessons from an impact evaluation that measures the effectiveness of the Philippine government’s Sustainable Livelihood Program’s Microenterprise Development assistance through the Seed Capital Fund modality on labor outcomes, income, expenditure, savings and capital investment.
This brief summarises the findings of an evaluation that assessed the impact of the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment’s Special Program for Employment of Students targeting low-income youth.