In a recent blog post, Ronda Zelezny-Green and Alexandra Tyers claim “now scientific fact: mobile money can lift women out of poverty”. The scientific fact they cite comes from a new study [gated]…
Since 2014, 3ie’simpact evaluation repository (IER) has been a comprehensive database of published impact evaluations of development programmes in low- and middle-income countries. We call the…
Many consider pure replication, where the replication researcher starts with the original data set and writes code to recreate the published results according to the methods described in the…
Anyone who has ever applied for a grant from 3ie knows that we care about theory of change. Many others in development care about theory of change as well. Craig Valters of the Overseas Development…
The hip word in development research these days isscale. For many, the goal of experimenting has become to quickly learn what works and then scale up those things that do. It is so popular to talk…