New | Evidence Dialogues interview series
In conversation with Seth Berkley, CEO, GAVI
We are excited to share our latest initiative, the Evidence Dialogues Interview Series. In the first episode, 3ie’s David de Ferranti speaks to GAVI CEO Seth Berkley on how reliable evaluation evidence has been useful for GAVI’s mission to improve vaccine delivery and immunization around the world. As part of this new series, we will be interviewing prominent leaders and influencers in the field of international development and posing key questions to them about their own evidence journeys and the role of evidence in decision-making.
Evidence Dialogues webinar | Community Engagement to Increase Immunization: What have we learnt?
Immunization experts from WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3ie gathered on 30 June 2022 for an Evidence Dialogues to discuss the findings and implications of a soon-to-be-released 3ie systematic review on the effects of community engagement interventions on the uptake of routine childhood vaccines. The panellists included Tove Ryman, Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Monica Jain, Lead Evaluation Specialist, 3ie; Lisa Menning, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, WHO and Sebastian Martinez, Director of Evaluation, 3ie. Monica presented the findings from the review, which synthesizes results from 61 quantitative impact evaluations, 47 qualitative studies, and 69 project reports. The studies were conducted in low- and middle-income countries all over the world, with a majority coming from South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Read the discussion summary | Watch the recording.
Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises Day – Latest from 3ie’s Swashakt program
An important determinant of economic growth and welfare is the greater participation of women in income generation activities. This, in turn, is an enabler of women’s socio-economic empowerment, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In India, 3ie’s Swashakt program, which is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is implementing and evaluating nine projects that aim to establish and strengthen women empowerment collectives across 10 states. These span farm and non-farm sectors, including agro-processing, handloom, and crafts. The projects, some in partnership with sub-national government agencies, have so far reached more than 6,600 rural women entrepreneurs.
Read about the experiences of the Swashakt women and learn more about the program.
Past events
ANH 2022 Conference: Mapping food systems and food environments
3ie’s living Food Systems and Nutrition Evidence Gap Map (EGM) has been providing regular updates on the scientific evidence about food systems transformation since 2020. The latest EGM updates were presented at the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy conference. The session held on 29 June was chaired by Christine Blake, University of South Carolina. The panellists included Lucia Segovia de la Revilla, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Veronika Tree, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie); Haneen Taweel, Birzeit University; Kyle Busse, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Kevin Queenan, Royal Veterinary College (RVC).
3ie at European Evaluation Society Conference 2022 |
Session 1: Evaluating in and on Conflict: Methodological Innovations for Rigorous Impact Evaluation of Peacebuilding Programming
This panel put the spotlight on the requirement for rigorous, generalizable approaches to evaluating program impacts and aggregated evidence across efforts and sectors to keep pace with the growing knowledge demands of actors working in fragile, conflict-affected contexts. 3ie Evaluation Specialist Paul Thissen joined colleagues from Mercy Corps, Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts and International Security and Development Center for this discussion.
Session 2: Using Process Evaluation to Strengthen Impact Evaluation
Senior research fellows Michael Bamberger and Vibecke Dixon presented 3ie’s Process Evaluation guidelines, which have been well received. They underscored the importance of process data to strengthen understanding of how outcomes are affected by the implementation. As part of the 3ie panel, senior evaluation specialists Bidisha Barooah and Anca Dumitrescu shared the experience of 3ie’s research projects in applying the guidelines.
Session 3: Institutions and the Evidence Culture for Impact
3ie’s executive director Marie Gaarder joined this panel with representatives from ADE, DEVAL Institute, and the European Investment Bank to speak about how institutional incentives influence the design of evidence systems and the use of evidence in institutions. The discussion also touched upon the gap between research and policy in impact evaluation in terms of mindset, with a focus on accountability and learning objectives.
3ie at gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2022
Session 1: M&E from ground up: Lessons from monitoring the Swashakt program
Watch the recording.
Session 2 : service d’assistance a l’utilisation des données probantes (helpdesk) du programme WACIE: production et dissémination des notes de reponses rapides (rapid response briefs)
Watch the recording
Session 3: Strengthening systems for Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Evidence (TREE)
Watch the recording |
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