Spotlight | 3ie's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

We are continuously monitoring information about the spread of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. We are mindful of the myriad impacts this pandemic is having on people’s lives, directly and indirectly, across the world. Like everyone, we are trying to adapt to a rapidly changing situation.
Please read the full statement from our executive director.
3ie’s London Evidence Week cancelled and plans for virtual events
In line with the evolving situation and government advisories, we have cancelled 3ie’s Evidence Week public conference scheduled for 23 April in London, UK and postponed activities planned around our members’ conference to later this year. We regret any inconvenience caused.
However, we do not want this unfortunate global emergency to stop us from sharing the important insights that we and our panellists had planned to discuss with all of you. Instead, we want to take this opportunity to be climate-conscious, innovative and be more accessible by hosting a series of virtual events. To make our virtual events engaging and productive, we would like your ideas on how we can continue to engage with you.
Take a short survey on organising virtual events |
Apply now | Implementation and evaluation grants under our Swashakt programme
We are now accepting applications from organisations or consortia engaged in implementing and/or evaluating – at scale or through pilots – innovative economic interventions for women’s collectives- and group-based enterprises in India under the new Swashakt evidence programme. The programme seeks to generate evidence-informed interventions to enhance viability, scalability and returns of women’s collective enterprises to promote women’s economic empowerment. Use the link below to submit applications through our online portal. The deadline for applications has been extended to 30 April 2020.
Submit your application | Read Q&A document | Read the full call for proposals |
3ie Development Evidence Portal is now live
The 3ie Development Evidence portal is a continually updated and curated portal with high-quality evidence on the effectiveness of development interventions. We believe this is an important step towards building an evidence infrastructure that supports more and better use of evidence to inform decisions about policies and programmes designed to improve lives. Explore the portal here. |
#2020Hindsight campaign: International Women’s Day
As part of our 2020 hindsight campaign, this month we are focusing on evidence from systemic reviews on women’s empowerment. We have recently published two blogs Empowering women through National Rural Livelihoods Mission and Empowering women through Self-Help Groups: Evidence of effectiveness, questions of scale. In the previous months, we shared insights on education and employment. To check out all the blog posts, you can visit the campaign page on our website. 3ie 2020 Hindsight campaign shares insights from this review here and here. |
Evidence impact
Findings from a 3ie-supported review inform global institutions
3ie signs MoU with CLEAR Anglophone and CLEAR Francophone Africa
3ie has entered a partnership with CLEAR Anglophone and CLEAR Francophone to initiate joint regional and sub-regional cooperation projects in Africa in the area of capacity building in impact evaluation. Both the organisations will work together to promote and develop M&E capacity; strengthen evaluation culture and improve the effectiveness of public policy in Africa. Together, we will be planning activities that include consulting support services, technical assistance and training for executives of public administrations and much more. |
Upcoming events
3ie-LIDC seminar | Don’t let the magician distract you with tricks: designing evaluations to inform action in new setting, 12.30 pm BST, 1 April
Past events
3ie–CEDIL seminar | Measuring the 'hard to measure' in development: Abstract, multi-dimensional concepts and processes, London, 4 March
3ie conference | Learning from innovations in increasing immunization, New Delhi, 27 February
3ie seminar | Launch of 3ie’s Development Evidence Portal: What is the state of evidence?, London, 24 February
3ie–IFAD workshop | Learning from IFAD Impact Assessments and 3ie’s Agricultural Innovation Evidence Programme, Rome,13–14 February
3ie@global conference | EvalFest 2020, New Delhi, 12–14 February
3ie conference | Evidence-informed policymaking for rural transformation: An exploration of the role of women’s collectives and community participation, New Delhi, 9–10 February
3ie–LIDC seminar | Public good provision and deliberative democracy: evidence from Malawi, London, 29 January |
Jobs @ 3ie
Other opportunities
Senior Manager, Communication and Advocacy, 3ie, New Delhi
Consultant- Research assistants, 3ie, London
Senior evaluation specialist, 3ie, Washington, DC
View all |
Head of research and insight, Education Sub-Saharan Africa
Digital and data manager, Education Sub-Saharan Africa
Evidence, impact and learning manager, Education Sub-Saharan Africa
3ieNews is a bi-monthly newsletter of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). We promote evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. We support the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and help improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide guidance and support to produce, synthesise and assure the quality of evidence of what works, for whom, how, why and at what cost. |