New 3ie centre to manage FCDO research investments
Building on our long-standing partnership with the UK government and its various departments, we are proud to announce the establishment of a new research commissioning centre to support the Research and Evidence Directorate (RED) of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Led by 3ie, the University of Birmingham and an consortium of UK and global research partners, this centre will help manage strategic investments in science, technology and evidence.
Read more about this work here >> |
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World Toilet Day – 19 November 2023

In India, sanitation work has traditionally been considered a marginal occupation and sanitation-linked livelihood opportunities aim to provide a source of income as well as a way for marginalized communities to earn respect. We conducted a year-long learning study last year in six cities across the states of Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana to understand the feasibility and sustainability of collective-led sanitation work. The study revealed that collectivizing vulnerable groups and engaging them in sanitation enterprises – as caretakers of community toilets – can pay rich dividends for both the urban local bodies as well as these groups. It also flagged challenges faced by the collectives. Find out more about the key findings in this blog and read this working paper for an in-depth discussion of the study.
In West Africa, we recently produced this rapid response brief to answer a question raised by a policymaker from Côte d'Ivoire on the effects of latrines and other WASH interventions on child malnutrition. This was part of 3ie’s West Africa Capacity Development and Impact Evaluation (WACIE) program that offers policymakers in the region various services, including a helpdesk. We found that the provision of improved latrines does not show an effect on malnutrition. However, the transition from open defecation to the use of sanitary facilities decreased stunting. Read the brief [English, French] to know more about the findings and key recommendations.
Globally, as part of 3ie’s broader research on water, sanitation and health, we have developed an innovative outcome-to-outcome evidence gap map to understand the link between achieving intermediate WASH outcomes (i.e., improving access to drinking water, improving access to sanitation facilities, and increasing practices of hygiene behaviors) and higher development outcomes of improved prosperity, increased stability, and enhanced resilience in low- and middle-income countries. It serves as one of the first such research maps focusing explicitly on these outcomes and the relationships between them. Read this blog to learn more about it and view the interactive map here.
View EGM brief | Watch EGM discussion |
#3ie15years | Our work and its impact – hear what partners have to say
3ie’s extensive work and presence on the African continent is not only represented by the WACIE Helpdesk in West Africa, but also features solid partnerships with organisations and evidence leaders in the Anglophone region. As we turned 15 this year, Candice Morkel, Director of CLEAR Anglophone Africa, shared this message about our work together and its long-term objectives – especially on strengthening local capacities. She emphasizes how important it is to eventually “make ourselves irrelevant and leave behind a resilient and sustainable system of evidence production and use.”
Support us: In her gift guide, our Board Chair Ruth Levine recently said this about 3ie:
A global organization that is creating products and offering services that make it easier for policymakers to make the smartest choices to achieve social, economic, and environmental progress.
As a trusted partner, we work with governments, development institutions, the private sector, donors and non-profits in low- and middle-income countries. By donating to support our work, you will help us continue to deliver meaningful evidence that keeps pace with the rapid changes of our times.
Food systems and nutrition – slow progress on evidence gaps, little high-quality synthesis

3ie’s ‘living’ Food Systems and Nutrition Evidence and Gap Map (E&GM) – supported by BMZ through GIZ’s “Knowledge for Nutrition” program – has the largest collection of impact evaluations and systematic reviews on food systems interventions in low- and middle-income countries with a total of 2,452 included studies. We regularly update the map and our latest and sixth update points to more evaluations of national and transnational programs; fewer evaluations of supplementation and fortification interventions and a shift toward quasi-experimental research. There is still a dearth of high-quality systematic reviews. For more findings and to know how we have expanded the inclusion criteria for women’s empowerment interventions – with gender transformative interventions as a separate intervention within the empowerment category – and more, read this blog. Read update note | View project page |
3ie podcast on women’s empowerment

In the Swashakt podcast’s fourth episode, ‘Overcoming barriers with information and knowledge’, Sybil Chidiac, key lead for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's women's economic empowerment initiatives in Africa, explains the importance of women’s collectives as a stepping stone to engage in and practice behaviors that enable them to go further not only in livelihood activities but also citizen engagement. She elaborates on the key role of information, knowledge and know-how in overcoming stumbling blocks such as lack of access to digital literacy, market linkages and for unlocking true women’s potential.
In case you missed it, please listen to the previous episode ‘Realizing women’s full potential’ with Madhu Krishna, Deputy Director, Gender Equality at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s India office, who highlights the problem of not counting women’s work as productive labor. This six-part series features authoritative voices from grassroots organizations, research institutions, the private sector as well and donor agencies working to empower women. Listen to other episodes here. |
Upcoming event
World Food Program Evaluation Forum, 4-7 December | Rome

The first World Food Program (WFP) Impact Evaluation Forum this week has brought together governments, donors, UN agencies, NGOs, academia and WFP colleagues who are sharing new evidence, facilitating collaboration, and exchanging experiences on WFP’s innovative work in impact evaluation. 3ie’s Jane Hammaker and Marie Gaarder are part of sessions focusing on cost-effectiveness analysis in evaluation and building an organizational culture of evidence. The agenda is available here.
Impact Insights: Expanding Our Evidence Base to Improve Humanitarian Response, 13 December, 8:30am - 9:30am ET | Online
Join the Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC) for a one-hour interactive webinar to launch a three-part Impact Insights webinar series. During the foundational webinar, the HAEC team will present on what impact evaluations can answer, relative to other evaluation types, and the importance of causal evidence in the humanitarian sector. Building off this event, in January 2024, HAEC will host an engaging webinar to outline key findings from our report, Navigating Constraints to Implementing Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Settings, and detail successful strategies to overcome these challenges. Finally, in February 2024, implementers from several HAEC-funded impact evaluations will provide real-world examples to navigating these constraints as they share their experiences, challenges, and lessons learned from conducting impact evaluations in humanitarian contexts. Register
What Works Climate Solutions Summit, 9-12 June 2024 | Berlin
This high-level conference for evidence-based climate policy aims to facilitate rigorous evidence synthesis work and ex-post evaluations of climate policies in collaboration with experts, science assessment bodies, policymakers, funders and stakeholders. This summit – of which 3ie is a partner – will play a role in supporting upcoming climate assessments, such as the IPCC's 7th Assessment Report, the UNEP Emissions Gap Report, and the Lancet Countdown, while building evidence synthesis capacity. Read more about the summit here. Read the call for abstracts here.
Past events
Evidence-Informed Decision-Making: The Legacy of FATAA and the Evidence Act for US Development Agencies | 15 November
Thomas Kelly moderated a panel discussion co-hosted by CGD and the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), featuring US officials to discuss how to continue to drive greater transparency and informed decision-making in US development policy. Watch the session and read the MFAN blog co-authored by Thomas Kelly and Erin Collinson, CGD's Director of Policy Outreach.
What Works South Asia, 28-30 November | New Delhi
Campell South Asia's What Works South Asia conference brought together experts and practitioners from the region to share insights and best practices on effective interventions. The conference’s objective is to advance the comprehension and application of evidence-based approaches to enhance the development of South Asia. The conference delved into crucial themes that play a significant role in advancing evidence-based policymaking and research. These include innovative research methods, evidence synthesis, capacity building, and knowledge translation. 3ie's Monica Jain participated in the session ‘Developmental milestones: unraveling learning outcomes for sustainable progress.
Full agenda | Conference website
Join our growing and dynamic team by applying for one of these unique and impactful roles. View all the current opportunities here.
Senior Research Fellow
 3ie’s Senior Research Fellows Program includes experts from various sectors – including development, evaluation, policy as well as academia. This month, we put the spotlight on Beatriz Godoy – who has participated in the design, implementation, and quality assurance of national surveys on Income and Expenditure, Nutrition, Standard of Living, and Family Budgets in Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Read more about her work here.
Since 2020, 3ie's Fellowship Program has contributed to achieving our mission by tapping into diverse expertise and experience across the world. Our research fellows enhance the quality of 3ie's work and provide intellectual leadership and technical support to areas strategic for the organization. Our fellows are uniquely positioned to lead or support new and ongoing initiatives and programs. It provides an opportunity for experienced researchers to work with our global team on a range of projects in their area of expertise.