Take our survey on the Development Evidence Portal
3ie’s Development Evidence Portal (DEP) is the largest-of-its-kind repository of impact evaluations, systematic reviews and evidence gap maps focused on low- and middle-income countries. While we continue to add more high-quality evidence and improve the user experience, we are trying to understand how this resource is being used. Your responses will help inform efforts to maintain this resource as a free-to-use public good. |
A framework to examine women’s economic empowerment in collective enterprises
 Collectivization is a critical component of women’s economic empowerment and our flagship empowerment program, ‘Swashakt: Empowering Indian Women’s Collectives’, amplifies the force of women's collectives in male-dominated enterprise spaces. Is there a way to define women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and analyze the role of collectivization in it? In our latest working paper, we examine the pathways to change and provide a framework that can guide decision-makers, practitioners, and researchers on what inputs, outputs and outcomes should be considered for designing, monitoring and evaluating a program similar to Swashakt.
Read the working paper | Read the blog
Partnership and collaboration
3ie joins the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network
We are delighted to join forces with the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) with a shared goal to strengthen transparency, evaluation and development impact. The coalition advocates for a model of development that prioritizes accountability and evidence of impact and gives greater voice, resources, and power over decision-making to local actors. MFAN brings together a breadth of expertise and experience from across the globe and 3ie looks forward to closely working with the leaders on addressing critical development challenges. Read about it here.
Norad’s impact evaluation incubator
We are pleased to support a three-day impact evaluation incubator organized by Norad—the Norwegian agency for development cooperation. With an aim to increase the use of impact evaluations and controlled trials in Norwegian development cooperation to enhance knowledge and learning, the incubator experience will help participants design impact evaluations of projects and equip them with best practices and ways to address practical challenges. This in-person workshop will be held on 5-7 December. To apply, please visit Norad’s website. |
Sanitation-linked livelihoods project: Six key insights from a learning study
Four years after the Indian government provided a roadmap to collectivize vulnerable groups and create livelihoods by engaging them in sanitation enterprises, several states in the country have made strides in this area. They’re working towards empowering collectives of women and other vulnerable communities, including transgender people and persons with disabilities, by employing them to operate and maintain sanitation enterprises and support the provision of sanitation service delivery. Our latest findings from this learning study in six cities across Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana help us understand the factors that influence the acceptability, adoption, feasibility, and sustainability of these enterprises – and what it would require to scale them up. Read the blog here.
Other blogs:
What Works Global Summit 2022: Recovery and resilience | 18-20 October 2022
The Campbell Collaboration and Campbell UK & Ireland will co-host the 2022 What Works Global Summit (WWGS) on 18-20 October. The conference will have plenary sessions, presentations, and discussions about the latest research evidence on social science topics. 3ie will be leading two sessions.
Session 1: Disaster prevention in humanitarian settings and LMICs: Current evidence, challenges, and opportunities | 18 October 2022 | 9.45-10.45 am EDT
Panelists: Cem Yavuz, Research Associate, 3ie; Miriam Berretta, Senior Research Associate, 3ie; John Meyer, Senior Strategy and Impact Advisor, USAID Center for Resilience; Adam Trowbridge, Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, USAID; Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, USAID; and Christy Lazicky, Director of Impact Evaluation, Causal Design
Chair: Birte Snilstveit, Director, Synthesis and Reviews Office, 3ie
Session 2: Leveraging evidence mapping for rapid synthesis within the food systems sector | 20 October 2022 | 8.30-9.30 am EDT
Speaker: Charlotte Lane, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
View the full agenda (Registrations will open soon)
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Call for papers | Journal of Development Effectiveness: Research Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics |
Building on our ongoing work that focuses on ethics of social science research, we are inviting papers for a special issue of the Journal for Development Effectiveness, ‘Trends in Research Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics for Development Effectiveness’. We are interested in projects, programs, policies, and practices that aim to improve the transparency, reproducibility, and ethical conduct of impact evaluations and/or test whether improvements in these areas improve development effectiveness. If you have a paper that fits our criteria, please send it to us by 31 January 2023.