Spotlight | Launch of a systematic review on women's empowerment and gender equality in fragile contexts
In 2020, 23 per cent of the world’s population lived in fragile contexts of which at least half were women. In these contexts, women and girls remain particularly vulnerable to exploitation and existing social, economic and political inequalities are exacerbated. While there are several interventions aimed at improving women’s status, understanding what approaches work can inform future investments and programming. Our forthcoming systematic review focuses on the role women can play in peacebuilding efforts and creating an enabling environment for peace and resilience in fragile contexts.
Upcoming event | What works to strengthen gender equality and empower women in fragile contexts?
28 October 2021 | 13:00 - 14:30 BST

Join us for the official launch of our systematic review, ‘Strengthening women’s empowerment and gender equality in fragile contexts towards peaceful and inclusive societies'. Our panel of experts will discuss the findings and deliberate on what else can be done to increase the impact and production of evidence on this important subject.
Interested in knowing more about the review? Read our blogs.
On World Food Day, think once more about food systems, instead of just deciding what to eat today
Charlotte Lane, Rike Riesmeir, Tina Koch, Thalia Sparling
On World Food Day (16 October), nutrition experts from 3ie, GIZ and IMMANA called attention to a critical conversation—the need for a science-driven food systems transformation. They wrote a blog to explain why we need to think more about food systems, and how 3ie’s living evidence gap map, one of the largest ever, can help identify where evidence is available and where new research is needed to fill evidence gaps.
Evaluation for impact at scale – a need for interventions along the pathway (Part I)
Evaluation approaches to scaling – application and lessons (Part II)
Johannes F Linn
This two-part blog series by 3ie Senior Research Fellow Johannes F Linn reviews key aspects of the scaling process and considers how evaluation practices can be adapted to support scaling. The first part sheds light on the factors that support and hinder the scaling process and pathway. While in the second part, Linn writes about both quantitative and qualitative evidence-based evaluation of scaling efforts and the practical application of these approaches.
Evidence impact: informing better monitoring and measurement of interventions
Avni Mishra and Kirthi Rao
Can an evaluation be helpful even when it shows that an intervention had no effects on the desired outcomes? This blog spells out how null findings from a program in the Democratic Republic of Congo helped inform and improve programming, program evaluation and decision-making. |
Upcoming events
3ie sessions at the What Works Global Summit
18-27 October 2021
This conference, led by Campbell Collaboration and the Global Development Network, dives deep into the challenges to ensuring evidence is used, including relevance, timeliness, usability, and so on. 3ie is leading sessions on the use and potential of evidence gap maps; evidence from our energy efficiency gap map; and a session on uptake and use from evaluations and synthesis.
Funding Evidence for Development (Panel 14.2 ) 21 October
Chair: Marie Gaarder, 3ie
Panellists: Rabah Arezki, African Development Bank; Franco Conzato, European Commission; Hélène Djoufelkit, Agence française de développement (AFD); Daniel E. Ortega, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
What is the current evidence on interventions to reduce energy consumption and mitigate the effects of climate change? (Panel 20.1), 25 October
Chair: Birte Snilstveit, 3ie
Panellists: Miriam Berretta, 3ie; Jan Minx, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change; and Martin Prowse, Independent Evaluation Unit, Green Climate Fund
How are impact evaluations, systematic reviews and evidence gap maps used and how to enhance their uptake? (Panel 21.2), 25 October
Chair: Divya Nair, IDinsight
Panellists: Kirthi Rao, 3ie; Ian Goldman, CLEAR Anglophone Africa; Marion Krämer, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval); Girma Kumbi, Independent Development Evaluation Department, AfDB
Fit-to-purpose cost-analysis: generating policy-relevant evidence on the cost of development interventions (Panel 28.1), 26 October
Panellists: Sam Fishman, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), UC Berkeley; Doug Glandon, 3ie; Caitlin Tulloch, IRC; Radhika Bhula, J-PAL; Alaka Holla, Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF), the World Bank.
Register here >>
Regional conference on impact assessment in Francophone Africa
25-27 October 2021, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
The CLEAR FA and 3ie’s West Africa Capacity-building and Impact Evaluation Program (WACIE) are organizing a regional conference with the support of the Independent Evaluation of the Development of the African Development Bank. This conference aims to assess the role and contributions of impact evaluations on evidence-informed decision-making. This conference is free and all sessions will be held in-person and online.
Register here >> |
International Day of Rural Women: 3ie resources
At 3ie, we have several programs through which we are generating evidence on the effectiveness of interventions that focus on rural women in South Asia. Here is a snapshot of our ongoing work:
- The Swashakt program supports both implementation and evaluation studies to identify what works to enhance viability, scalability and returns for women’s collectives in nine states in rural India.
- The Rural India Livelihoods Project includes an evaluation of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission, and a range of papers and resources that provide insights on the effectiveness of group-based livelihoods interventions.
- The Aquaculture project includes evaluations interventions aimed at smallholder fish farmers (particularly women) on a variety of outcomes like increase in productivity, nutrition and women’s empowerment.
Have you registered for RIDIE?
 3ie’s Registry for International Development Impact Evaluations or RIDIE allows researchers to record information about their study plan and make essential details publicly available.